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Wednesday, July 19, 2017


What is black hole?
     Do yo ever heard about the Black hole? It is not a hole found in the ground,it is a region of space found near the Sun.The scientific facts reveals that Black hole is as small as an atom.But it has the more power than a huge mountain.It is in accordance to the fact that 'the MUSTARD's Spicy  will not be decreased even it is smaller in size'.It is also as large as many times than the Sun and even it will destroy the Sun.

    Black holes are the region of space which is the dangerous in the milky way.They are the collection of massive objects with the strongest gravitational force from which not even a light waves or particles can escape.The gravity is so strong because matter has been squeezed into a tiny space. This can happen when a star is dying.Because no light can get out, people can't see black holes. They are invisible. Space telescopes with special tools can help find black holes. The special tools can see how stars that are very close to black holes act differently than other stars.

Known facts:
    The most common types of Black holes are the stellar-mass and super massive Black holes. Stellar-mass Black holes are created when massive Stars explode, leaving behind a Black hole with the mass of just a few Suns. Super massive Black holes exist in the hearts of Galaxies and usually contain the mass equivalent of millions of Suns.The famous Black holes are Cygnus X-1 ,Sagittarius A*,M 87,Centaurus A.
   Black holes were first proposed to exist in the 18th century, but remained a mathematical curiosity until the first candidate Black hole was found in 1964. It was called Cygnus X-1, an x-ray source in the constellation Cygnus.Black holes do not emit radiation on their own. They are detected by the radiation given off as material is heated in the accretion disk, and also by the Black hole’s gravitational effect on other nearby objects (or light passing by).
    The stellar is of 20 times larger than the Sun and it is difficult to the numbers of objects that were vanished by Black hole.Some of the scientist says that it i present nearer to the orbit of the Sun and when the objects reaches it due to it's strong gravity force,it attracts and swallows the whole object.Even though if the object is larger than Black hole,with its powerful stuff of mater it converts the material into rock and explodes into several pieces for the food for Sun.

Unknown facts:
    The super massive Black hole can lead to birth of stars when it explodes the mass of a planet.The other wonder is that there are about billions of Black holes are found in the Milky way.
    The planet Pluto is the 9th planet of our Solar system.But now it's not because it lost its orbit around the Sun.But some scientists say that the Black hole has swallowed the Dwarf planet 'Pluto',when it came near the Black hole.
    The Black hole will even distort time and space according to the Einstein's Theory of Relativity.Scientists think the smallest Black holes formed when the universe began.
    In NASA the scientists are frequently watching the Black hole using Telescope for the danger of Earth by it and updating the research development.

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